Monday, January 31, 2011

Aloha Hawaii


Do you want to stay in that cold weather? Do you want to have to go outside, stiff from too many layers of clothes? Of course not! That's why you should come down to Hawaii, in the Tropical Climate, instead of that stupid Continental Climate! Places with Tropical Climates get more direct sunlight, so they're above 64 °F all year! That means that its beach time year round! No cold winters! There are a few thunderstorms here and there, but so what? Hawaii has a low altitude, so its much warmer! Its right on the ocean, which means a higher humidity! It gets direct sunlight year round because its so close to the equator! A warm ocean current goes right by Hawaii! Doesn't all this warm weather sound great? Imagine laying on a hammock between two palm trees, the sunlight hitting your skin, drinking out of a coconut!
Don't forget to back your bathing suit! You can swim in the warm water! And make sure to bring a surf board!
We hope to see you soon!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! I'm ready to leave my continental climate and go to tropical Hawaii.
